I have officially started my 21 Secrets workshop! I am starting with one of my fave artists out there, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer and her "Wonderful Watercolors" workshop! I only have ever used pan watercolours before and in Julie instructions she explains liquid water colours and showed how they are used ... I headed out to Deserres this past weekend and decided to give it a go! I LOVE IT! What a different feel than watercolour crayons!
Anyways, here is the pic of what I made (it started as a practice page and my niece loved it so much that I turned it into a mini piece for her!)
the crystal laquer has not quite dried yet so there is a cloudy look to the letters. Once it dries it'll be entirely clear! So I sketched out some flowers (my fave thing to draw) and went at them with a wack of different bright colours. I used some of the techniques that were explained .. I wicked the watercolours together, toned them in, blended .. etc! Once dried, took some charcoal and fingers smudged the edges. I then took my calig pen nibs and ink and drew some tiny dots to accent the flowers. I hand wrote her name and went over it with black ink, outlining in white! Cut it out and glossed over! I also took a black watercolour crayon around the edges!
Very happy with how it turned out! Have a couple of more things I want to make before I move on to another workshop!
TFL! :)
Monday, April 9, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Going to be a creative weekend indeed! Saturday I am cropping at The Scrapbox's Bust A Move crop. Sunday .. my eagerly anticipated 21 Secrets Workshop starts!
If you don't know about the 21 Secrets workshop ... check it out here!
My next post should consist of some yummy's that have been created! :)
If you don't know about the 21 Secrets workshop ... check it out here!
My next post should consist of some yummy's that have been created! :)
Friday, March 9, 2012
This past week my Aunt Roxanne shared via scanning some pics of my family when we were really young! I found myself looking at these just swallowed in happy memories and it was a reminder that I had a very good childhood.
For the first real time I see Alexa face in my young one! I've always thought that she was a strong STRONG resemblance to her father and Angelina was more like me!
Anyways just wanted to share here as I think they are precious!
For the first real time I see Alexa face in my young one! I've always thought that she was a strong STRONG resemblance to her father and Angelina was more like me!
Anyways just wanted to share here as I think they are precious!
This is my brother Michael and I! I think I think I was 10 and he was 2 here!
This is Mike and I with my dad's parents, my Grandma and Grandpa LaPlante. This is how I remember them .... they have since passed on!
My mama and my dad with Mike and I in our backyard at a different house! I remember playing on that deck, and playing with my brother in the hand built sandbox off to the side.
I NEVER trick or treated with my friends growing up. I always wanted to go out with my brother and my dad! I was a french maid and my brother a frog!
I am in this picture but what I really wanted to show off was the HOTTIE in the yellow bathing suit and white shorts! THAT IS MY MAMA! She is seriously HOT HERE! I think she is hot all the time, but here .. WOWSA! LOL
Thanks for looking! :)
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Giving this another GO!
I miss blogging! So I dusted my blog off and gave it a new look .. whacha think???
I have been creating .. busy art journalling and zentangling more than any thing! I really need to concentrate on scrapping some new pages though .. it feels like it has been forever! I'll have to snap some pics of my art journal soon .. it's quite ... er ... funky! LOL
Anyways .. BLAH BLAH BLAH! Nothing to say right now ... will blog much more in the future though! :)
I have been creating .. busy art journalling and zentangling more than any thing! I really need to concentrate on scrapping some new pages though .. it feels like it has been forever! I'll have to snap some pics of my art journal soon .. it's quite ... er ... funky! LOL
Anyways .. BLAH BLAH BLAH! Nothing to say right now ... will blog much more in the future though! :)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I Tough Love this kid!
Well I finally got what the term "Tough Love" means last night! It was horrible, and I know I am going to have to face it again but I felt like I was mommy monster .. I hate that feeling!
Remember this pic???
How about this one?
Well this costume describes my dear daughter Angelina to a T! Half angel .. HALF DEVIL!
Now if you know my daughter you will know that she is hard headed, stubborn, a natural born leader, confident, good at everything she tries and well liked by all her peers. What you don't know is that she reserves all her bad behaviour for home! Let me tell you, she is really pushing buttons and testing boundaries! Well John and I reached our breaking point with her last night and the battle began!
In all fairness it's probably better if I admit that John and I do not always follow through with our discipline methods. We'll ground her and then let her off for good behaviour .. well she got wide to us .. so in her mind she thinks "I can be bad, be grounded for like 5 min.. and then carry on like nothing happened!" NOT LAST NIGHT!
So Ang comes home .. knows she has to write out her words and starts with the attitude. She talks back, jokes around and has blatant disrespect for us. Well she got grounded to her room. She starts with the tears and the door slamming and once she calms down, comes downstairs with apologies (which are only to get off her grounding .. because the minute she is let off .. her behaviour begins again). She is given permission to come down to complete her homework and have dinner then back upstairs. Well here comes the tears ... the door slamming, the disrespect .. the apologies, the bargaining .. AND WE DIDN'T GIVE IN! She spent every minute of her free time last night in her room .. pissed off and utterly surprised she couldn't weasel her way out of it!
John and I were beside ourselves .. I tell you it was harder on us than it was on her, and for the first time I really understand where my parents were coming from when they had to go through this!
I tell you .. in Angelina's future, her strong personality will help her get through many things. I think John and I need to figure out how to teach her there is time and a place to use it .. and being defiant for no good reason certainly isn't one of them! LOL
I suspect there will be many more posts like this in the not so distant future .. but at least John and I have now have a follow through plan and our little angel/devil .. and she knows that her parents mean business! LOL
Remember this pic???
How about this one?
Well this costume describes my dear daughter Angelina to a T! Half angel .. HALF DEVIL!
Now if you know my daughter you will know that she is hard headed, stubborn, a natural born leader, confident, good at everything she tries and well liked by all her peers. What you don't know is that she reserves all her bad behaviour for home! Let me tell you, she is really pushing buttons and testing boundaries! Well John and I reached our breaking point with her last night and the battle began!
In all fairness it's probably better if I admit that John and I do not always follow through with our discipline methods. We'll ground her and then let her off for good behaviour .. well she got wide to us .. so in her mind she thinks "I can be bad, be grounded for like 5 min.. and then carry on like nothing happened!" NOT LAST NIGHT!
So Ang comes home .. knows she has to write out her words and starts with the attitude. She talks back, jokes around and has blatant disrespect for us. Well she got grounded to her room. She starts with the tears and the door slamming and once she calms down, comes downstairs with apologies (which are only to get off her grounding .. because the minute she is let off .. her behaviour begins again). She is given permission to come down to complete her homework and have dinner then back upstairs. Well here comes the tears ... the door slamming, the disrespect .. the apologies, the bargaining .. AND WE DIDN'T GIVE IN! She spent every minute of her free time last night in her room .. pissed off and utterly surprised she couldn't weasel her way out of it!
John and I were beside ourselves .. I tell you it was harder on us than it was on her, and for the first time I really understand where my parents were coming from when they had to go through this!
I tell you .. in Angelina's future, her strong personality will help her get through many things. I think John and I need to figure out how to teach her there is time and a place to use it .. and being defiant for no good reason certainly isn't one of them! LOL
I suspect there will be many more posts like this in the not so distant future .. but at least John and I have now have a follow through plan and our little angel/devil .. and she knows that her parents mean business! LOL
Monday, September 12, 2011
Balzer Designs - Stencil 101 Free Class
Just wanted to share that I am going to participate on a free online stencil class that one of my fave artists out there is hosting! Julie Fei-Fan Balzer will be hosting a class called Stencil 101 (based on her new Crafters Workshop stencils) starting 19 Sep 11. There will be a total of 8 lessons!
For more information click here! Youhave to send her an e-mail for class access!
Here is a peek of what will be created! :) VERY EXCITED!
ENJOY and share the wealth! :)
For more information click here! Youhave to send her an e-mail for class access!
Here is a peek of what will be created! :) VERY EXCITED!
ENJOY and share the wealth! :)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Struck A Cord
Morning! Been quiet on my blog and don't want to get back into that funk! LOL Much to share on how July went so far but have other things to do today .. so I will blog this Brave Girl message today! I have to admit .. there are times when I feel annoyed by some of these messages .. it can be laid on so thick .. but then there are other times they really hit me! Today .. this one struck a cord and made me feel absolute! ENJOY!

Monday, July 18, 2011
School Award Day!
Woke up this morning with headache (must be weather related), popped an Excedrin and now settling in for my morning coffee. The kids are still sleeping, I have the news on and savouring the quiet before the storm (perhaps literally today ..lol)
I want to post that Summer Fit is going strong 100% .. but my kids are telling me they are getting bored. Honestly I think it's the way I am delivering it right .. more like a drill sergeant lately as opposed to a fun mommy! They are looking at it like homework and a chore .. so I have to get creative to respark the love they started with! WE ARE NOT GIVING UP ON THIS! Way toooooo important (I feel better making that a public statement! .. LMAO)! WINK!
So I have been cleaning out my camera, and my dad placed a wack of pics from his camera onto a CD for me.. and thought .. man I have lots to share! LOL
Today's post will be all about Angelina's actual birthday date at school and Alexa's award assembly!
Mom and dad joined us that day to see Alexa receive her award, and before the assembly, I wanted to stop off at Angelina's class to hand over some birthday cupcakes that I had baked for them. Well her teacher was so pleased to have us there she revamped her morning schedule so we could see a Grade 1 lesson in action! It was a real treat! Also, whenever a child has a birthday, they stand up in front of the class with the "earth", spin the earth and have a friend mock the "sun" .. they then circle the "Sun" the amount of years they are celebrating for their birthday! LOVE THIS .. mini lesson while celebrating! :)
So once Angelina's class had shared their lesson with us, we headed off to the gym to get ready for the Award Assembly. As many of you know, Alexa started her year off with much difficulty. She went under evaluation for a potential learning disability, was very much behind on her reading and skills in her grade and was so low on her self esteem and confidence, that John and I were really heartbroken for her and her struggles. We dealt with many nights of tears, illness, several nights of confidence boosting .. it was the first time we had to deal with our kids heartache!
Well .... Alexa joined a homework club at school, underwent a reading program and went on and Individual Education Plan to see where we could help her improve. BEST THING EVER! We learned a great study method for her, really focused much energy and time, and she just decided to switch it on .. it was like she ready! She jumped 16 levels of reading (and now has a love for books like her mama ..lol), really came into her own on her spelling, math and science tests, and ACED her major final assignment. Her confidence boosted high .. she was in love with school again ... and to reward all that hard work .. SHE RECEIVED "MOST IMPROVED"! To her .. this was the "Oscar" of grade two! LOL Quite frankly it was to us too .. because she REALLY DESERVED IT!
We also went to Angelina's picnic afternoon with her class, but those pics must be on another camera card cuz they weren't on this on .. LOL I'm a dork!
GREAT DAY .. had a very proud mommy day for sure!
Woke up this morning with headache (must be weather related), popped an Excedrin and now settling in for my morning coffee. The kids are still sleeping, I have the news on and savouring the quiet before the storm (perhaps literally today ..lol)
I want to post that Summer Fit is going strong 100% .. but my kids are telling me they are getting bored. Honestly I think it's the way I am delivering it right .. more like a drill sergeant lately as opposed to a fun mommy! They are looking at it like homework and a chore .. so I have to get creative to respark the love they started with! WE ARE NOT GIVING UP ON THIS! Way toooooo important (I feel better making that a public statement! .. LMAO)! WINK!
So I have been cleaning out my camera, and my dad placed a wack of pics from his camera onto a CD for me.. and thought .. man I have lots to share! LOL
Today's post will be all about Angelina's actual birthday date at school and Alexa's award assembly!
Mom and dad joined us that day to see Alexa receive her award, and before the assembly, I wanted to stop off at Angelina's class to hand over some birthday cupcakes that I had baked for them. Well her teacher was so pleased to have us there she revamped her morning schedule so we could see a Grade 1 lesson in action! It was a real treat! Also, whenever a child has a birthday, they stand up in front of the class with the "earth", spin the earth and have a friend mock the "sun" .. they then circle the "Sun" the amount of years they are celebrating for their birthday! LOVE THIS .. mini lesson while celebrating! :)
Angie at her desk |
Working hard |
Getting ready for her "earth rotation" |
5th time around |
My big girl |
Calendar lesson |
Great teacher! |
Birthday girl becomes the weather girl! LOL |
Well .... Alexa joined a homework club at school, underwent a reading program and went on and Individual Education Plan to see where we could help her improve. BEST THING EVER! We learned a great study method for her, really focused much energy and time, and she just decided to switch it on .. it was like she ready! She jumped 16 levels of reading (and now has a love for books like her mama ..lol), really came into her own on her spelling, math and science tests, and ACED her major final assignment. Her confidence boosted high .. she was in love with school again ... and to reward all that hard work .. SHE RECEIVED "MOST IMPROVED"! To her .. this was the "Oscar" of grade two! LOL Quite frankly it was to us too .. because she REALLY DESERVED IT!
Heading into the assembly .. she was so HAPPY to see us! |
Daddy Hugs |
See ya inside |
Making sure we are still there! |
Up she goes! |
Far left! SO PROUD! :) |
PAPA hugs |
Yes I was bawling .. SO PROUD! :) |
GREAT DAY .. had a very proud mommy day for sure!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Week 1 almost complete!
It's been a great week .. a deliciously tiring, productive week! So much more on the horizon! :)
Our summer fit is going perfectly so far! We have eased in, enjoyed some together time without over doing it. The girls have completed all their mind exercises, be it thru math questions or english of some sort. They have been introduced to new things (kind of nice to be the one to introduce things), and have been enthusiastic throughout the entire week.
Tuesday we spent the day with the Squires and Yorke family. It was a gorgeous day and we all had a wonderful afternoon full of swimming, snacking and amazing company. My girls reached some amazing milestones with regards to their swimming too .. both jumped off the diving board and slid down a huge slide for the first time. A couple hours later, they were peeling off their life jackets and taking on the deeper waters with no fear. I hate to admit it .. but I think I may have been the one holding them back a little with mommy fear ... they can now officially swim quite nicely! LOL
So as you can see .. SO MUCH FUN!
Wednesday we took it somewhat easy .. we were all dragging from so much sun the day before, and some rain showers made us feel a little lazy, so we indulged in some tele, Wii but not before we danced our rear ends off while cleaning our main floor. We also got on the floor and did many leg scissors which I am still feeling .. think I overdid it on my hip flexors (I have to remember I am not a young in shape soldier anymore) .. LOL
Thursday we had a impromtu date with my friend and neighbour Manon. She treated us to a breakie and the girls had hair cuts. We stopped at the book market and the girls picked up a couple of books for their summer reading! Alexa picked up two goosebump novels by RL Stein, and we read the first chapter together last night (I can't believe her reading right now .. BLOWS ME AWAY)!
Today we are prepping for Angelina's B-day party tomorrow. Our Summer fit takes us on an Honesty lesson (part of the values aspect). I think we will engage in an open dialogue about "crying wolf", and how honesty makes you feel better about yourself, and makes you a good person. We'll see where things go!
One thing I have added to their books, is everyday if they have done a chore or were exceptionally behaved, helped me out etc .. I have written it on the top of the page. For every entry they receive, they get a quarter for their piggy banks. This way if they wish to make additional purchases, they are learning the value of earning, and saving for something.
I can HONESTLY say (LOL) that there will be a trip to Dairy Queen on Sunday! The girls have worked hard and are off to an amazing start to their summer! :) As a mom, it's been so amazing spending this time with them and we have so much more planned! I have been watching my eating and drinking more water as well ... just trying to live healthier! BABY STEPS!
Our summer fit is going perfectly so far! We have eased in, enjoyed some together time without over doing it. The girls have completed all their mind exercises, be it thru math questions or english of some sort. They have been introduced to new things (kind of nice to be the one to introduce things), and have been enthusiastic throughout the entire week.
Tuesday we spent the day with the Squires and Yorke family. It was a gorgeous day and we all had a wonderful afternoon full of swimming, snacking and amazing company. My girls reached some amazing milestones with regards to their swimming too .. both jumped off the diving board and slid down a huge slide for the first time. A couple hours later, they were peeling off their life jackets and taking on the deeper waters with no fear. I hate to admit it .. but I think I may have been the one holding them back a little with mommy fear ... they can now officially swim quite nicely! LOL
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Alexa and Mommy! |
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This pic cracks me up ... the timing is hilarious .. if you know Katie .. you'll get why .. WINK! |
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Beautiful Riley and Kasey! |
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I couldn't believe how well Kayleigh swam all on her own! |
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My sweet friend Katie |
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Gabe .. Angelina's new BFF! |
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First time on a diving board! |
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Really tried getting Alexa on her fave .. the slide! |
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Beautiful water ,,,,, HEAVEN! |
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The group of us here taking in the rays and water! |
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Amazing shot! |
So as you can see .. SO MUCH FUN!
Wednesday we took it somewhat easy .. we were all dragging from so much sun the day before, and some rain showers made us feel a little lazy, so we indulged in some tele, Wii but not before we danced our rear ends off while cleaning our main floor. We also got on the floor and did many leg scissors which I am still feeling .. think I overdid it on my hip flexors (I have to remember I am not a young in shape soldier anymore) .. LOL
Thursday we had a impromtu date with my friend and neighbour Manon. She treated us to a breakie and the girls had hair cuts. We stopped at the book market and the girls picked up a couple of books for their summer reading! Alexa picked up two goosebump novels by RL Stein, and we read the first chapter together last night (I can't believe her reading right now .. BLOWS ME AWAY)!
Today we are prepping for Angelina's B-day party tomorrow. Our Summer fit takes us on an Honesty lesson (part of the values aspect). I think we will engage in an open dialogue about "crying wolf", and how honesty makes you feel better about yourself, and makes you a good person. We'll see where things go!
One thing I have added to their books, is everyday if they have done a chore or were exceptionally behaved, helped me out etc .. I have written it on the top of the page. For every entry they receive, they get a quarter for their piggy banks. This way if they wish to make additional purchases, they are learning the value of earning, and saving for something.
I can HONESTLY say (LOL) that there will be a trip to Dairy Queen on Sunday! The girls have worked hard and are off to an amazing start to their summer! :) As a mom, it's been so amazing spending this time with them and we have so much more planned! I have been watching my eating and drinking more water as well ... just trying to live healthier! BABY STEPS!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
TOPS Girls SUMMERFIT 2011 begins!
I have to admit .. I have not been loving the blogging world the past few months .. I have gone into hermit mode and didn't feel like reading and writing all about life! I have kept much of myself (creatively and personally) private! I haven't felt the urgent need to share all that I have done and I have to say I kinda liked it! It's like savouring a piece of yourself that no one else knows! In today's world .. everything about one self can be out there .. and I just felt the need to hold back a little and be true to why I do some things ... I do it for me and no one else! :) I don't need pats on the back or approval .. and I am not saying that is why people share their stuff at all .. just saying this was a BIG reason why I did! Chances are there is only going to be one person who will get this .. you know who you are .. COUGH, Katie Squires, COUGH! LMAO! Thanks girl for just letting me be me, and thanks for the long deep chats, the quiet understanding, watching me bump into the wall and then leap over it ... I swear you are the only person who truly gets me 100% .. Cut from the same stone sweets!!!!!! WINK!
Alright .. sappy shit over with!
So what brings me back to blog land is the fact that I am starting a new journey in my life .... with my girls .. and I want to document it, share it and maybe inspire along the way, and be inspired!
When I first became a mom, I have to admit it wasn't what I thought! I am likely one of the few women in life who disliked the baby stage! I know how horrible that sounds .. but it's honest! My hubs rocked at it ... I swear we are so stereotypically challenged .. but now my girls are 8 and 7 and I have definantely found my motherly groove! I'm actually gonna toot my horn and say I am RAWKING IT! :)
The girls and I are doing a ten week program called SUMMER FIT! I found the books on amazon and have to say ... WOOT WOOT!
This is Alexa's book Summer Fit Gr 2-3
This is Angelinas's book Summer Fit Gr 1-2
The entire idea of these books is too keep the girls sharp over the summer and make the transition from one grade into another as smooth as possible! It also fills a portion of our days, keeps us active, and ultimately (and my fave) bonds us!
Everyday the girls do a mind activity (can be math, story, puzzle. etc) and a body activity (aerobics one day and strength another), and a values exercise highlighting famous people who have left their mark on the world (ie Mother Theresa). There is a full online version and community for the girls to watch videos on how to do certain movements, play games and additional worksheets! I have to say the girls are loving that mommy is moving her rear end with them .. I have done the exercises with them and we have already had a couple of good laughs!
So the catch is that John and I sign a incentive contract each week agreeing to reward the girls if they complete their week. This week for instance, we have agreed to take the girls to Dairy Queen.
I have to say we are off to a strong start ... they are waking up excited, and eager to start their days. I am hoping to add additional fun times like mini excursions, play dates, cooking ans whatever else tickles our fancy!
Here's to going strong, and staying strong! :)
I have to admit .. I have not been loving the blogging world the past few months .. I have gone into hermit mode and didn't feel like reading and writing all about life! I have kept much of myself (creatively and personally) private! I haven't felt the urgent need to share all that I have done and I have to say I kinda liked it! It's like savouring a piece of yourself that no one else knows! In today's world .. everything about one self can be out there .. and I just felt the need to hold back a little and be true to why I do some things ... I do it for me and no one else! :) I don't need pats on the back or approval .. and I am not saying that is why people share their stuff at all .. just saying this was a BIG reason why I did! Chances are there is only going to be one person who will get this .. you know who you are .. COUGH, Katie Squires, COUGH! LMAO! Thanks girl for just letting me be me, and thanks for the long deep chats, the quiet understanding, watching me bump into the wall and then leap over it ... I swear you are the only person who truly gets me 100% .. Cut from the same stone sweets!!!!!! WINK!
Alright .. sappy shit over with!
So what brings me back to blog land is the fact that I am starting a new journey in my life .... with my girls .. and I want to document it, share it and maybe inspire along the way, and be inspired!
When I first became a mom, I have to admit it wasn't what I thought! I am likely one of the few women in life who disliked the baby stage! I know how horrible that sounds .. but it's honest! My hubs rocked at it ... I swear we are so stereotypically challenged .. but now my girls are 8 and 7 and I have definantely found my motherly groove! I'm actually gonna toot my horn and say I am RAWKING IT! :)
The girls and I are doing a ten week program called SUMMER FIT! I found the books on amazon and have to say ... WOOT WOOT!
This is Alexa's book Summer Fit Gr 2-3
This is Angelinas's book Summer Fit Gr 1-2
The entire idea of these books is too keep the girls sharp over the summer and make the transition from one grade into another as smooth as possible! It also fills a portion of our days, keeps us active, and ultimately (and my fave) bonds us!
Everyday the girls do a mind activity (can be math, story, puzzle. etc) and a body activity (aerobics one day and strength another), and a values exercise highlighting famous people who have left their mark on the world (ie Mother Theresa). There is a full online version and community for the girls to watch videos on how to do certain movements, play games and additional worksheets! I have to say the girls are loving that mommy is moving her rear end with them .. I have done the exercises with them and we have already had a couple of good laughs!
So the catch is that John and I sign a incentive contract each week agreeing to reward the girls if they complete their week. This week for instance, we have agreed to take the girls to Dairy Queen.
I have to say we are off to a strong start ... they are waking up excited, and eager to start their days. I am hoping to add additional fun times like mini excursions, play dates, cooking ans whatever else tickles our fancy!
Here's to going strong, and staying strong! :)
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