Thursday, June 17, 2010

Scrap Industry .. SLOW DOWN ALREADY!

I am sure I am not alone here ... my wallet has had enough .. there is smoke off my personal maxed credit card (thank goodness hubby is smart to ensure that I have a low credit limit). I can't keep up .. and there is so much I want!

Does anyone else feel like this industry is crazy fast? I am just starting to enjoy the products from the Winter CHA .. and there are already pre-orders all over the net for the summer releases! Ya see truthfully .. if I was smart ... I'd wait for those releases to be placed on sale before I buy them .. it's not like I use em up right away! But I suffer from that "MUST HAVE NOW .. OR I WILL MISS OUT" mentality! I know I am not the only one!

I am going to make a personal pact right now ... and after chatting with my girl Heather this morning ... I think she is on to something! I am only allowed to scrap from my stash .. NOTHING NEW PURCHASED. My friend Katie is really good with this .. she gets product .. she uses it! So I am making a public declaration ... 20 LO's ... from stash .. before I am even allowed to look at anything new! I also have to do a serious inventory check .. and decide what to keep and what to sell/give away!

The old Rachel would of done 2 LO's, then broke her personal pact ... but this new Rachel, is very capable of doing this. Since this is a public announcement ... I am counting on my friends to kick me arse if I waver ..... or better yet THINK of wavering! LMAO

20 LO's is NOTHING .. not even a dent! So it's a small first step .. but a step regardless! :)

Anyways .. let me enable your credit cards .. seeing as I cannot/not allowed to enable my own and post some yummies that are coming way too soon! LOL

GRAPHIC 45 - Halloween in Wonderland


ECHO PARK PAPER - Sweet Summertime

BASIC GREY - Oliver and Olivia


BO BUNNY - 4 New lines

Peacock Lane

Petal Pushers

Sun Kissed

Block Party

That's enough for now .. will post more tomorrow! :) Wish me luck! WINK! LOL



Barb said...

You're crazy with all your shopping! Me too. lol
I am in for 20 LOs. I am working on one right now and will scrap another 19 (digi and paper) before buying any more. Man, it's hard to resist the weekly digi sales though... but I will do it, just for you. :)

Anonymous said...

You KNOW I'll be watching your every move!!! lol I hope this is the ONE challenge you will beat me at!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you posting. I miss reading all the goodies you post. I understand you girl, there is always something new coming out, and it's all too beautiful and before you know it, you have ordered more and more. It's not hard to do eh. Myself, due to my illness I have not bought anything, but I see it all and it doesn't stop me wanting to buy. I wish i was well enough. I am still waiting for energy to organize my scrap room but I need help. Wanna come over once you are feeling better. By the way if you have stuff you don't want I have two of my girls from work that i have always kept in touch with and they are getting into scrapping so i am making them each a box. I girl I looked after when she was ten, she is now 21, she had a benign tumour and i was always her nurse and the other girls has had several very complicated surgeries for her back and neck due to severe scoliosis, she is fifteen.
Well i hope you get to feeling better my friend. I sure miss you and really hope that one day soon we can get together.
I love you

Kataroo said...

You can do it!!! and yes it way to much....its almost kind of sick really isn't it :) ACHOOOO LOL

Anonymous said...

Totally agree. I started scrapping from my stash about a month ago. Inspired to make page kits and it is working. If I buy I use right away. I just have no room for the stuff.

Dorrie said...

trust me when i tell ya to use what you have...
since rosa has closed up shop.. i am pretty sure i can go a year without buying anything, scrapping every day, and never making a dent in my stash... soooo... we can so it... you can certainly do 20 LO's .. well have to get together and scrap and BAM! 3-4 layouts done just like that...LOL

and.. it's a good thing i don't like any of those papers you posted... so NOT my thing... at least i don't NEED those.. LOL

Unknown said...

I'm suffering from must have too. I told myself at Christmas I had to stop buying. I bought something every single week, sometimes more than once a week throughout December and hardly scrapped. I have over 200 sheets of Sass! I haven't even cracked open their last three lines and I'm drooling over Indie Girl! I have to stop! I am running out of room to store stuff. I've told myself not to buy anymore stuff all month. I have three orders I'm currently waiting for; including a pre-order for Oliver from BG. I even have baby stuff purchased and put away. If I end up having a girl instead of a boy, I have a lot of stuff to get rid of! Maybe if I challenge myself, I can work through my stash instead of buying more and more and more....LOL